What if God had created special needs kids without unconditional love?I have been pondering this question all week as I have been going about the daily care of Benny.What if every morning when Benny insists on a bubble bath at 5:30 am, he would complain. What if he would yell that the water isn’t the correct temperature, or that there are too many bubbles. Not enough bubbles? What if he wouldn’t laugh and kick with pure glee all those mornings, letting us know that there is joy in a bubble bath at this unearthly hour?What if Benny wouldn’t get ultimate...
Dear mom of a special needs child, Good Monday morning as you begin yet another week caring for a most precious child! I see you there, coming away from the weekend. I see a shadow of discontent momentarily come across your eyes as you shove that bolus feed through your child’s feeding tube. I see how it appears that other’s lives keep right on going and you get left behind and choking from the clouds of dust billowing from their heels. I get it. Perhaps you heard of others reaching out to that person you would love to minister to as...
Benny Is My Alarm Clock. This morning, before the crack of dawn, in advance of any smiling abilities on my part, our Benny was up. I mean, whoever heard of not being in the tub at 5:30 a.m. splashing in the bath water his daddy cheerfully (true story, cheerfully) fixed for him. I noticed that Benny seemed extra boisterous, as a glob of water landed squarely on my nice warm fuzzy socks. My fuzzy socks were not yet awake and did not appreciate being so rudely awakened. I grabbed a bottle of Young Living Lavender Oil and landed a few...
Benny loves his daddy. Daddy is the place where rainbows appear. It is where the sun rises and sets in vibrant colors of pure joy. Beside Daddy is where laughter abounds, where all things are warm and fuzzy, and where Benny’s little heart is completely fulfilled. So when Daddy leaves his side and goes up to preach, guess what? “Benny no likey!” This is Benny’s cue to try everything under the sun to get himself up there beside Daddy. So yesterday at church, not only did Daddy get up to preach, but the person sitting in front of us got...